Saturday 6 September 2014

The Royal Chinese Lunch

After a week of having vegetarian fare, as we had Ganpati in our house, we decided to have lunch out. Since we had a shoot in Bandra, we mulled over our choices and finally settled for Royal China. The eatery is on the expensive side, but as we had my mom visiting us, we headed for some exquisite Pan Asian cuisine. 

More than our stomachs, it's our eyes that are hungry, I have surmised. So as I made my way through the menu on the i-pad with the lovely pictures gracing each dish with elaborate descriptions, the mental imagery was deep at work. The eyes and mind ordered a fare that included crabs, prawns, pork and tenderloin. 

I experimented with a dish called Cheung Fun, which was
fried prawns rolled in rice paper, steamed, and served with a sweetened dark soya sauce. It was light on the palate. The crunchiness of the fried prawns in the sticky wrap, slightly smeared in the sauce, gave our appetite the lovely kick to get the gastric juices rolling. 

What we liked was that the freshly caught crab was first shown to us, before it was cooked. The 1kg fanged and clawed crab, was then presented to us on a bed of chilly tomato sauce, with a beetroot garnished and designed as a rose. I wonder why? 

While the pork spare ribs was barbecued in a honey pepper sauce, the tenderloin complimented the sweetness with a red chilly and spring onion spice. And it was served with egg fried rice, with small bits of ginger sprinkled, to give ample reason for the tongue to salivate. 

Pin drop silence reigned as we started eating. The nameless waiters disappeared as they realised that the patrons needed no assistance in serving.

Addled with all the good food, I went to the counter to pick up some of the restaurant's spicy red chilli oil. I saw a friend, who I thought was Zayed Khan, and greeted him as such, only to be gently told by him that he is Ranveer Singh. I died. 

Pondering about my mental state, I headed for the shoot, where Kareena Kapoor was shooting for an ad campaign. One look at my sleepy face, she asked me to come the next day for the interview. 

Without much ado, I sat in my car, cranked up the ac and the music, and was driven home, for a much deserved siesta. Saturday lunches are made of these... Good food and good friends...

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