Thursday 18 December 2014

To Live By The Bullet

Sitting on a hard wooden bench, sipping hot sweet tea with the Maratha Regiment, in the back of beyond remote area of Arunachal Pradesh, we exchange stories of our lives. One a soldier, another a com patriot. Listening to the heartbreak of their stories of losing their brethren to terrorism. The fear of their families when they don't hear from them in a week's time. Anything can happen. It's just the question of a bullet. 

Today when the world bereaves the death of these innocent children, I cannot help but wonder about the phrase, you reap what you sow. 

The fathers of these children have stood by and let their fellowmen cross their borders and enter into our country to kill our brothers, our children, our soldiers. Would an Indian army soldier ever open its borders to send terrorists to enter into any of our neighbouring countries to create death and destruction. 

These Pakistan army officers now know what it feels to see a coffin wrapped in the national flag.... Just like our brave mothers and wives, who have seen their sons, brothers, husbands leave home, only to return as a body. 

In Uri, we lost our family, our soldiers for our democracy. Like we do everyday, be it a attack on our parliament or our Taj hotel or our gallis in Lucknow, Badlapur or Guwahati. 

For the sake of humanity, for the sake of our future, give up the bullet. It only hurts one and all, someday or the other.

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