Thursday 16 April 2015

The Chunkie Good Day

A return birthday gift for Zehn contained a box of Chunkie, and it said chocolate chip cookies. I hid it before she could lay her eyes on it.

Since a kid, I had fantasised about chocolate chip cookies, thanks to the books penned by Enid Blyton. Dunking them in milk was supposed to be the ultimate feast for the Famous Five kids. Since then, my hunt for the cookies started.

The coffee chains, the 5 star hotels, the various bakeries... I tried them all, but they never matched my expectations. 

Until I opened a Chunkie... Crunchy on the outside, crumbling as my teeth dug into the baked dough, and then the exquisite taste of melted chocolate chips mingled with the aroma of butter...all in one bite. 

Sweet heavens, my imagination began to finally see the cookie in technicolour. Thank you Good Day, for making a cookie that feeds the palate, the soul and the imagination...

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