A total filmy, Bubu
apes his idol, Akshay Kumar and has named himself Khiladi Bhaiyya. You should
see him do cartwheels with such aplomb. And like a true Khiladi, he can woo
girls. Here we caught him kissing his cousin, my daughter, when they were 2
years old.
But above all this,
is Bubu's love for
And seeing his
specy face with that gooey look, everyone pampers him with chocolate, ice
cream, burgers. Now he is down with measles, and as prescribed by the doctor,
he is on bland vegetarian food. While the world is feasting away on sweets and
laddoos due to the festive season, his query after 5 such days, "Mama,
when will your Karwa Chauth get over ?"
For Bubu, eating
bland fare is as good as keeping a fast. So till he recovers, it's Karwa Chauth
in his house.
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