Friday 21 February 2014

The Magnum Idea to lose weight…

“I married a female wrestler and look at the mess I am in…” This was a famous ditty that we sang in Mt Carmel School, and I always feared that my hubby would land up singing this in the private confines of the john… Luck was in store for me…my hubby loves me fat…he loves my bulging arms and luscious tyres around my middle… He calls them his assets… But after 8 years of marriage and 3 weeks short of my 42nd birthday, I decided to lose weight…

Soups for dinner, go easy on fried food and no dessert… That was my master plan. So I looked up Sanjeev Kapoor’s soup recipes and zeroed in on a simple masoor dal soup. Roast tomatoes and onion, add the soaked red masoor dal with some peppercorns and salt. Two whistles in the pressure cooker and with some lemon juice, voila…a meal fit for a woman trying to lose the bulge.

Enter the devil aka my hubby dearest. He decided to cook for me lal maas… a fiery mutton dish which I succumb to like a lamb being led to the slaughter house. At 8pm, I slink into the kitchen and slurp away the masoor dal soup poured in my hugest soup bowl. I thought that if my tummy is full, how could I devour the lal maas. 

I underestimated my appetite. I underestimated my love for steaming hot rice and lal maas. I dug in…and I dug in deep. Fiery hot lal maas melted in my mouth as I closed my eyes and let the spices and curry take me to nirvana land. The stomach slowly expanded to let the food settle in deep and good. I then took the left over rice and swiped the bowl clean of the curry. There was no need to wash the dish, it was clean as a Vim wash.

After I opened my eyes to see the aftermath of my eating…I see the piece de la resistance…a Magnum bar of chocolate truffle ice cream bathed in a layer of Belgian chocolate. To soothe the fire in my belly, I take a bite of the crunchy frozen dessert… It helped… Another bite followed. Soon I was licking the wooden stick clean of all traces of chocolate.

This is the story of my first day diet. Red meat, white rice and Magnum chocolate truffle ice cream. Welcome to my world of good food and good intentions to lose weight. Tomorrow, is another day… Bring on the Classic Magnum bar of Belgian chocolate swathed over some awesome vanilla ice cream…


  1. food is better than sex I have always believed that ! Love your writing still remember you tiff-in box with yum delicacies !

  2. Love your writeup, keep on writing...Both James & I are foodies and understand your challenges :)
    James, has lost some weight by his absolutely no carb diet...
    Whereas, I prefer smaller portion but eat everything diet!
    Plus, when our partners loves us as is with all our's an Awesome life, smile!

  3. Loved reading this chuman. It was like one of the chat sessions in ur cabin every morning at TIL. And about the diet.. can totally relate to this.. but what the heck... eat now, diet later ;)

  4. Hey Chuman...for somone who relished & polished off multiple servings of HNH is a tough challenge indeed ;-)...More so,with a foodie hubby who is a good cook also.Wish you luck...♡♡
