Thursday 22 May 2014

Some Tender Loving Care To Give

My Mom has been a grandma for 3 years now to my rambunctious daughter, Zehn. They share a really strong bond, bordering on what we call "violent love" or "wild love". Zehn does not believe in loving affectionately, rather she will ask my mom to remove her glasses so that she can launch herself on mom and hug and kiss her passionately. 

When my hubby and I decided to take a working holiday, we packed Zehn to Guwahati to mom's place, as she was having her summer vacation.   
Mom was over the moon, planning her meals and her evening play time. Every time we would call mom, she would talk in details about Zehn's activities, taking pride when she learnt a few Assamese words or could paint an animal that looked like a tree...

The bond after 2 weeks had grown stronger. Mom was a new person. After daddy passed away last year, mom had no one to take care of. .. someone to cook for, someone to scold and reprimand and even nag, someone to worry about. A woman needs to nurture, some tender loving care to give... that's the core of a woman, I realised.  And mom had finally found someone to love and nurture in the absence of her husband. 

Perhaps that's why we need to celebrate women with women's day and mother's day, because the nature to nurture is thy woman. Thank you, more time.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

An Indian in New York

The ultimate destination for most, one would like to believe is New York. I was not one of them. Unless I was being paid for, I was not going to waste my money on a visit to the Big Apple. But destiny gave me a ticket and a holiday to NYC and I took it.

We put up at my cousin's place in Harrison, a gorgeous
suburb of NYC. A train ride to Grand Central Station, 30 minutes away, on a cold, windy, rain swept day was not the most ideal day to see Manhattan, but what the heck... The adventurer in me set the pace, and alongwith the man I promised seven lifetimes to spend with, took the hop on hop off bus.

A stop at the 9/11 memorial was an emotional experience. Amongst the many who passed away, there were the firemen who lost their lives saving the many victims. And what got me breaking down on that wet pavement was this... a wreath with a teddy bear. The trauma was relived as memories of the attack came crashing back. 

We never got off the bus thereafter and sombrely headed
back home.  A warm meal of various kinds of Brazilian meats, with homemade soup made by my Polish sister in law, some cuddles from my niece, made the day a lot better. 

Just like a mercurial woman, the following day New York welcomed us to glorious sunshine... we again headed to Manhattan, where we shopped at Macy's, ate hot dogs, posed with the Statue of Liberty, and caressed the Bull's balls on Wall Street.

Perhaps the big highlight of this trip was my interview at
Times Square. For a journalist of almost 2 decades, to be facing the camera and being asked about the Big Foot and the mystics of the world, was a great high. The Empire State Building suddenly lost it's sheen to me as I stood more than 200 feet tall. 

Thrift stores and garage sales have always fascinated me... and I finally got my wish. From clothes to shoes, from books to knick-knacks, at throwaway prices was such a bargain for me. Unfortunately, with a baggage ceiling of just 23 kgs, the shopper in me died an abrupt death.

Finally, something that made my last evening in NYC memorable. A visit to the Cheese Cake Factory, had me drooling... from Reese Peanut Butter to Oreo Cookies, from Strawberry to Pecan Stuffed Coffee Cake, I picked up half a dozen of them...and the cream that accompanied was finger licking delicious. It had to be, each cheese cake was a whopping 2000 calories. 

New York beckons you like an exuberant lover... Each day she has something different to offer. If its nostalgia one day, it's the sales discounts on another, if it's eating some day, it's history claiming another. Each day is a novelty, each day creates a memory... until you decide, it's time to see her just one day more. And your's truly, is committed to seeing her again... Bye bye New York, until we meet again.

Saturday 3 May 2014

A Friend Named Olga

IIFA drew it's final curtains last Saturday with a gala display of Indian cinema's immense talent and splendour... For me, it was time to bid adieu to work and say hello to vacation time... My very first US holiday and it was with my friend named Olga. 

And just prior to the event, she did the impossible... she dolled me up for the big night...and Cinderella went to the ball.

As we had all skipped dinner to see the show which wound
up by 4am, we decided to head for an early breakfast at I Hop. Accompanied by our respective hubbies, we ordered a king size meal. Southern fried steak with fried eggs, grits and biscuits with gravy. The cuisine of the South is rich and heavy and I had a first hand experience of it.

Olga lives in Clearwater, in Florida's Tampa Bay in a huge 4 bedroom house with a pool with her four strapping sons and loving hubby. Olga is a Latino beauty, tall, statuesque looking with long black hair and ruby lips...and she is a momma, who loves to keep home and cook awesome meals for her boys. We were right at home basking in her warm hospitality...

Her hubby, James is an American with the very unique sense
of the British dry humour. His company was what a lovely Merlot does to a steak... gives it a robust enhanced flavour. An evening with him, while his wife cooked this exotic Spanish dish called Cioppino, with crabs, mussels, prawns, cod fish and scallops, all in one big tureen, with some garlic bread, was straight out of a Nigella Lawson meal.

Every meal is home cooked for Olga's boys and guests... One night after an exhausting night's shoot, me and my IIFA friends were yearning for some home cooked dal rice. Next morning a huge hamper with plates, cutlery, napkins and pickles came the piping hot dal and rice. We blessed her from the bottom of our hearts... It was the kindest gesture anyone has done for us, on an overseas shoot. 

James is a culinary expert himself. Having made us the perfect Margaritas with Tequila, Contreau and lemon mix, James lit the charcoal barbecue for some thick juicy steaks, tomatoes and corn while Olga baked some cornbread. Dessert was this perfect strawberry. 

The food was awesome, but what sets Olga apart is her happiness at keeping guests, taking the pains for making us a part of her family and the generosity of her time. She bid us adieu at the airport, weeping profusely. Bobby and I are honoured to have found a sister in a friend. 

Thank you, Olga for your love. We will cherish it always.

Thursday 1 May 2014

A Florida Experience

Sunny skies and sunnier people. As IIFA celebrated the glory and magic of Indian films in Tampa Bay, my camera team decided to share the world's best cuisines that Florida had to offer...

Chinese takeaway is huge in the States. Chris, my food guide, mentor and soul mate decided to give me a taste of this cuisine from Yummy House, which dishes out a mean salt n pepper Calamari fry and pork fried rice with some chicken fried dumplings.

The pork was barbecued and had a slightly sweet taste while the Calamari was salty and peppery. All this was accompanied by some sauces, and the killer one was a really chilly spicy sauce, that sat perfect on my Indian palette. 

And the portions were huge. When Chris ordered one
portions of each, I was seriously worried. I was HUNGRY and had little intention of sharing my goodies. But the mentor knew his way about and I did not starve. Rather the four of us, that is Joe and Ryan also, could not polish off the rice.

Lunch over, it was time for dinner. While the team had salads, I went for some Japanese Teriyaki beef fry with steamed veggies and rice. Juicy, succulent pieces of meat made a huge dent with the rice and veggies on my curvy body, taking it to a new found girth.

As we continued shooting till the wee hours, it was time to knock on the doors of a diner.. pork chops with mashed potatoes and biscuits with gravy with a lovely smiling plump blond waitress to serve us, it was an American breakfast designed for a healthy Indian appetite. 

Just to inform you, I was also working. Having had airport duty thrust on my head, I got to shoot all the celeb arrivals, just off the aerobridge. It was something to see the jet plane steer it's way right to the mouth of the aerobridge and shoot the stars stepping into Sunshine City. 

An experience to cherish...