Tuesday 6 May 2014

An Indian in New York

The ultimate destination for most, one would like to believe is New York. I was not one of them. Unless I was being paid for, I was not going to waste my money on a visit to the Big Apple. But destiny gave me a ticket and a holiday to NYC and I took it.

We put up at my cousin's place in Harrison, a gorgeous
suburb of NYC. A train ride to Grand Central Station, 30 minutes away, on a cold, windy, rain swept day was not the most ideal day to see Manhattan, but what the heck... The adventurer in me set the pace, and alongwith the man I promised seven lifetimes to spend with, took the hop on hop off bus.

A stop at the 9/11 memorial was an emotional experience. Amongst the many who passed away, there were the firemen who lost their lives saving the many victims. And what got me breaking down on that wet pavement was this... a wreath with a teddy bear. The trauma was relived as memories of the attack came crashing back. 

We never got off the bus thereafter and sombrely headed
back home.  A warm meal of various kinds of Brazilian meats, with homemade soup made by my Polish sister in law, some cuddles from my niece, made the day a lot better. 

Just like a mercurial woman, the following day New York welcomed us to glorious sunshine... we again headed to Manhattan, where we shopped at Macy's, ate hot dogs, posed with the Statue of Liberty, and caressed the Bull's balls on Wall Street.

Perhaps the big highlight of this trip was my interview at
Times Square. For a journalist of almost 2 decades, to be facing the camera and being asked about the Big Foot and the mystics of the world, was a great high. The Empire State Building suddenly lost it's sheen to me as I stood more than 200 feet tall. 

Thrift stores and garage sales have always fascinated me... and I finally got my wish. From clothes to shoes, from books to knick-knacks, at throwaway prices was such a bargain for me. Unfortunately, with a baggage ceiling of just 23 kgs, the shopper in me died an abrupt death.

Finally, something that made my last evening in NYC memorable. A visit to the Cheese Cake Factory, had me drooling... from Reese Peanut Butter to Oreo Cookies, from Strawberry to Pecan Stuffed Coffee Cake, I picked up half a dozen of them...and the cream that accompanied was finger licking delicious. It had to be, each cheese cake was a whopping 2000 calories. 

New York beckons you like an exuberant lover... Each day she has something different to offer. If its nostalgia one day, it's the sales discounts on another, if it's eating some day, it's history claiming another. Each day is a novelty, each day creates a memory... until you decide, it's time to see her just one day more. And your's truly, is committed to seeing her again... Bye bye New York, until we meet again.

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