Friday 6 June 2014

The Luncheon Date

We live in the suburbs of Mumbai. Most of our work is around this area and so an appointment in Town is a big occasion. From waking up early to beat the traffic to planning our lunch, it's like a day outing.

For Bobby and me, it's a lunch date. A serious rarity when your 3 year old daughter is the centre of our universe. We zeroed in on a Parsi joint called Cafe Brittania, famous for its berry pulao and salli boti. A lunch house which has served royalty and a US President. 

The meeting was successful and we were in a mood to celebrate. But the humid heat was smothering us and the rich, spicy curry was certainly not the flavour. We settled for Chinese and headed to Ling's Pavilion, one of the oldest Chinese restaurants in Mumbai. 

Ling's Pavilion has always been out of our modest budget as struggling professionals. Once the hunting ground of the high socialites of the townie brigade, we never ventured inside. But since the deal was sweet, we decided to splurge.

Surprisingly, the prices were reasonable for a menu that served chicken, duck, pork and beef including seafood. While Bobby stayed with his ever favourite chicken and fried rice, I decided to go for the red hot beef. And the bill of fare was prawns.

Golden fried prawns in butter and garlic of substantial size was served. Succulent and hot, each morsel was drenched with the pungent garlic aroma with that faint hint of butter. The starter set the pace for our lunch. 

The chicken was surprisingly tart with the use of extra dark soy sauce. Called Mongolian Chicken, the spicy aromatic gravy complimented the bland chicken fried rice.

But the red hot beef was what got me digging in with gusto. The beef was cooked to perfection with the use of the lovely red Thai Chillies and a specially blended oil that lingered long after we had finished eating. 
Chinese food is like a mama's bosom. Will always feed you and the soul. You can seldom go wrong in your choice of dish. And so till our next appointment, I await our stolen lunch date with hubby dearest. 

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