Monday 14 April 2014

Bobby's Exam Phobia

The phones have been ringing since the wee hours of the morning... my mother, Bobby's mother, then his siblings..All the best wishes and don't get nervous advice are being given by concerned family and friends.. Bobby has to go for the US visa interview today and my darling hubby is behaving as if it is an entrance exam.

Bobby and academics have never had a reason to be close friends. In school and college, his love and skills at basketball ensured him admissions in some of the finest institutions. After all, a state level player was an important feather in an academy's cap.

As I will be going for IIFA, held this year in Florida's Tampa Bay and as such we have our very good family friend staying in the same city, I pushed Bobby into coming with me. And then the herculean task of applying for a US visa.

Olga, our friend gave him all the necessary invites and documents for his visa. Alongwith that advice.. what clothes to wear, how to speak and the works. So sweet of her...

A nervous wreck by this morning, I was told to feed him his
good luck breakfast... fried eggs and buttered toast. Bobby got dressed for the visa interview. I overheard him telling Zehn to pray for him and to give a good luck kiss.

Shaved, suited and booted, Bobby Dutta with his papers in tow has now headed for the interview.Toes and fingers crossed...

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