Wednesday 2 April 2014

Zehn's Graduation Day

Two years of daily school, hard work and some play ... Zehn Dutta was going to graduate. The black gown and hat were going to be donned. My 3 year old was going to graduate to Juniour school, Kindergarten, a momentous occasion for us, parents.

Seeing them off were the faculty members... talking us through their academic year with loads of pictures of their various activities... pyjama party, grocery shopping, nature walk, regular school activities,.. each teacher of the nursery batch spoke so lovingly of their students. Zehn's class teacher, Miss Rupali was openly sobbing away.

At the end of the speeches, I asked for the mic to thank them for taking care of our precious babies. 

Zehn started going to Euro Kids Lokhandwala when she was just a year and 10 months. They have nurtured her, taught her and loved her, in spite of the frustration of teaching children when they don't know how to respond. Her principal, Priya Mittal, alongwith all the faculty staff  know each and every child by their name, across all batches. Salutations! 

Miss Mamta, her playschool teacher is a sweetheart. As I would be travelling on work, she would slip notes inside Zehn's diary to keep me abreast of what was happening in school. 

And while we talked, laughed and cried, the tiny tots were busy having fun, running around, playing catch catch as all rambunctious kids do.

The graduation day party ended on some awesome chole bhaturas, poignant memories and bidding adieu to teachers who have built the foundation for my daughter's life... I thank them all.

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