Wednesday 12 March 2014

Flavours of Golconda in Mumbai

If you are a foodie and people know about it, then Facebook is the best place where restaurantuers lure you with their latest delicacies. I fell prey to these blow ups of food when The Golconda Bowl sent them to me… The mutton dishes like this one,  Gosht Shikhampoori ka kabab, Patthar ka Gosht...fired my imagination and taste buds like nothing else could.

I began looking for a bali ka bakra to take me out to eat the various bakre ka dishes. A former colleague and very close friend, Rashmi was celebrating her birthday and so she pulled the short straw very gallantly and extravagantly I must add and took us out…and not just me, but another close couple, newly weds, Amruta and Mandar. Must say, the couples were terribly colour co-ordinated… 

So this is what you must try out and most certainly avoid in this restaurant… the mutton shorba is MUST. Its thick, spicy redolent with spices of the Nizam’s kitchen and a sure appetite booster for all the goodies to come. Patthar ka Gosht is a dish where the boneless mutton cube is leavened out to a thin slice, marinated with various spices like ginger, garlic, onions, garam masala and cooked over coals… Its got this divine barbeque burnt aroma tingling the palette with its spices. Pl go for seconds…

Conversation, jal jeera, mutton made a rich combination. We had taken the non veg unlimited platter… Is’nt there something so lovely about the word, “unlimited”… No need to worry about extra plates or food running short…the appetite is generously spread across appetizers to the main course and then dessert. And raising the stakes was the veg starter called Kut Mirchi...tangy, spicy and fried... gastronomically demanding extra attention amidst all the meat dishes. 

One dish that intrigued me was Bhindi Gosht. How could this vegetable be had with mutton. I was right. The twain did not meet. But then there was the biryani and the lovely boiled egg that I greedily took before the others could get a glimpse of.

The desserts were varied, but the Double Ka Meetha is a must. Fried bread with some milk and malai, was a great way to end the evening. And now I am planning to have my birthday with my girlie friends this week. Whoever wants to join, pl come...15th lunch at The Golconda Bowl…

Celebrating Rashmi's birthday at The Golconda Bowl

1 comment:

  1. Chuman, come to Sweden and we with Maciej will take you and Bobby to our favorite Stockholm's Indian restaurant INDIAN GARDEN, what has reward as EUROPA'S BEST INDIAN RESTAURANT. Will see what real Indians think about it ;) Love, Neringa
