Thursday 20 March 2014

Where is the plane?

Where is the plane? How did it disappear ? And worse, how CAN it disappear? Living in this century where Google Maps can locate your house, an aeroplane has just vanished from our orbit and the might of so many nations and their technology has failed to give any credible explanation. 

I am so baffled and at the same time filled with anguish. The fact that Malaysian Airlines has scrapped away the flight no MH370 as a mark of respect, adds to the turmoil. Have they given up hope?  

Can you imagine the frantic calls that were made by the relatives to the passengers. 10,000 kilos of steel and iron, fitted with the latest in aeronautical technology, 250 odd people and no trace of anything... the fact that there is no closure, makes the grief difficult to cone to terms with. 

Each country has a cross to bear in today's era of terror and terrorism. If America had 9/11, India had a 26/11. Malaysia, with its amazingly warm
people, the rich ethnic culture, the towering Petronas Towers, the hugely popular Genting Highlands... all will be relegated to the background as now on, it will be referred as the land of the Missing MH370. Prayers for all the aggrieved.

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