Sunday 16 March 2014

Holi with the Bachchans

I was a reporter at NDTV, almost a decade ago when the Bachchan family had a huge Holi party. I was the only journalist to be invited to this prestigious gathering. I was elated. I hail from Assam with no illustrious filmy connections, and for me to make it this far, felt tremendous.

But like most irritating, spineless and mean bosses, I too boasted of one. Sonal Joshi, my head, insisted on me covering the Bachchan party with a live coverage once I had applied for leave to attend the party. There was no way I would attend the party if I had to go inside, check out the activities and report it on camera.

I was hurt and furious. Jaya Bachchan had also invited my parents over once she knew they were visiting me. So at 9 am, I was in my designated area outside Prateeksha, the Bachchan home where the party was being organised, giving
my reports. At 1pm, my parents came by. I took them inside the hallowed gates. I introduced them to Mr Bachchan, Mrs Bachchan and Abhishek. I politely told them that I could not attend the party as my ethics would not allow me to do so.

The gracious family took my parents inside and told me not to worry, they would be well looked after. And that once I finished my reporting, I could join the party. 

By 3pm, my boss realised that I was not going to report on any activity that was happening inside and told me to pack up. I hurried inside Prateeksha, where immediately the father and son duo, took me to a tub of coloured water and drenched me with loud, boisterous shouts of Happy Holi. For me, my time under the sun had started.

All the noted names were there. I ate such a wide variety of catered food that boasted of multiple cuisines from Indian to Mexican, to street food to gourmet food.. 

Perhaps for the first time, food took a back seat as my father and mother took me in their arms, proud of their daughter, for sticking by her principles and yet coming a winner. 


  1. Lovely...I read almost 3 of you post today.Was thinking of leaving my comments. But then something stopped me may be the fact that i am not one of your very known person. But post reading this post I could not stop myself, each of your post had something to do with the food, definitely food took a backseat in this one. It was the innocent joy and great moment for your parents to feel that their daughter has done so well in life. Congratulations !! its a long way ...

    1. Thanks a lot, Raka.. it was a big moment in my life... and keep the comments pouring in... Am honoured that u took time out to read my blogs...

  2. Replies
    1. Bless u, my dearest Olga.. for always giving me ur time, thoughts and love..

    2. Bless u, my dearest Olga.. for always giving me ur time, thoughts and love..
