Saturday 29 March 2014

Lubna's Chaat Party

With exam fever gripping the city, my friends are studying round the clock to teach their children. My very good buddy, Lubna decided to break the monotony by throwing a chaat party for the over studied mommy brigade.

There is something about women and pani puri. The sweet, tangy, spicy concoction that explodes in your mouth even as you frantically try to chew/swallow the mouthful, while holding the small bowl of dripping spicy water in one hand, while the other hand ineffectively swipes the stray drops that may have escaped as the teeth bites into the crunchy puri... is just a shade short  of the 50 Shades of Grey... in other words, a full blown orally flavoured orgasm.

The goodies for the feast were laid out..and on the menu was this fruit chaat.. it's better than the ones served on the streets of Delhi. The jaggery chutney had just that amount of bite to make the fruits taste sweet n tart.

Dahi bhallas, dahi chaats...also did the rounds. The girlie gang dug in... with the host and house help trying hard to match the speed of putting them on a platter to that of those devouring them...

Jhaal moori and bhel puri also made an appearance.. the
evening was rounded by malai kulfis from Juhu Chowpatty. One bright girl rightly said, "This beats eating pani puris from a street vendor. No need of counting the number of puris consumed. "

 My only thought was of the poor kids. Nothing can beat rejuvenated moms hell bent on ensuring the kids are well prepared for the exams. Well, all I can say is, "A mom's pani puri is a kid's nightmare..."

Happy Studying...

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