Sunday 2 March 2014

I plan diet, God delivers Kolkata rolls

After some sinful eating over the last week, thanks to a very hectic shooting schedule, it was time to give my body some detox food.

This is a recipe that I have used every time I want to stop my binging. Turai is this green veggie, cut into half inch half moon size, which is added to a kadhai that has 3 drops of olive oil and half a sliced onion. Once the water dries, add salt, pepper and a few granules of sugar with a cup of slim milk. If u want to enhance the taste, add some butter.

At 8 pm, I decided to have a bowl of that delicious veggie, half an hour after I downed a Patiala glass of chaas. Dinner was light and satisfying. I was reading a book, totally engrossed in it, when my hubby declared, I am hungry. 3 hours had passed since I had supped.

Like a giant reptile waking up from a slumber, hunger pangs invaded my body. It coiled around my gut, gripping me in its fever. I drank some water to assuage it. The hunger was insulted, it rebelled with a vengeance. 

Half an hour later, we were scouting for a place to serve something, anything... We zeroed in on Hangla's, a popular road side eatery in Andheri. I ordered the famous Kolkata roll... a double egg roll and a chicken cutlet.

The cutlet failed to pass muster as,the roll was just divine. Crisp on the out, soft inside..with some thinly sliced onions and a slight dash of
vinegar. But the sucker punch was the green chilli, super finely cut, that graced each mouthful giving it that vital kick that gets the juices flowing. 

The reptile within was satiated. But then guilt pangs waged a huge battle against contentment. In this ugly scuffle, I felt like I had to chose between a lover and a spouse... not happening. I shut my mental shop, switched off the ever irritating conscience...and burped ... heavenly... We may diet, and diet, but God in his Sweet Heaven just creates these wondrous moments where life is beautiful. Amen to that.

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